Questions to Ask a Wedding Venue

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Planning your wedding can be a daunting task, and finding the perfect venue is even more so. You want to ensure that you find a location in St. Paul, MN, and surrounding areas that is both affordable and functional for your big day.

However, to ensure you choose an ideal venue, there are several questions you need to discuss with your wedding venue. Discussing these details upfront will help you prepare for your wedding day, budget accordingly, and most importantly, ensure that the venue can pull off your dream wedding.

Here is a wedding venue checklist with a few important questions you need to discuss before the actual wedding day with your wedding venue.

7 Important Wedding Venue Questions to Ask

When looking for an ideal wedding venue, you probably have asked yourself, “what should I ask wedding vendors?” Forgetting to ask a critical question to your wedding venue can lead to unnecessary stress, problems, or worse, ending up with a hefty bill. Asking the right questions ahead of time will allow you to handle these issues early on. When looking for the perfect wedding venue, these seven questions are essential to ask.

1. Is the venue available when you need it?

This is the most important question to ask your wedding venue. Different venues have varying availability, and not all dates are ideal for every location. You will want to work around the availability of your venue and make sure there are no conflicting events or dates between your vendors.

2. How much is the venue, and what’s the required deposit?

Different venues in St. Paul charge varying amounts to rent out their location for a wedding. Also, some venues require a deposit to hold the date and time, while others don’t need one. You will want an agreed deposit price for your wedding day outlined in the contract you sign with your venue.

3. What is included in the cost?

Being knowledgeable in what the venue cost includes can help you budget accordingly. Some venues offer different service levels, catering, décor, and other items to suit your needs. Ask whether there are any additional charges such as cleaning fees, wedding liability insurance, overtime costs, service charges, or other items that may not be listed.

4. How many people can the space hold?

How many guests can the wedding venue comfortably hold? Knowing the number of people your venue will accommodate is an excellent initial planning tool and can help you budget for catering, bathroom facilities, cocktail reception, and other wedding costs.

5. Does the venue offer vendors, or will you be required to hire your own?

Many wedding venues in St. Paul, MN, offer a list of preferred wedding vendors you can use. While you can hire your own, using venue-preferred vendors may cut down on wedding costs. Additionally, these vendors may be well vetted by the venue and save you some time and stress looking for your own.

6. Is there ample parking for the wedding guests?

Depending on your guest list, parking can be a big headache. Find out how much parking is available at your wedding venue at different times of day to ensure there are enough spots for your guests, including the elderly and disabled guests.

7. Are there other policies we should be aware of?

While this question may not come to mind right away, it is definitely one to ask the reception venue. Knowing the cancellation policy, payment deadlines, and other booking terms can help you make a more accurate decision on your wedding budget and ensure you and the venue are on the same page.

413 on Wacouta is Your Destination Wedding Venue for an Unforgettable Ceremony

While this list of questions is not exhaustive, it does cover the most critical items to discuss with your wedding venue. By asking these seven key questions, you can be confident that your wedding will go off without a hitch.

When looking for the perfect wedding location in St. Paul, MN, it’s essential to partner with a reputable event center. 413 on Wacouta is a historic wedding and event venue providing unique, elegant, and affordable wedding and event spaces to help you tie the knot in style.

Our experienced venue manager will ensure your wedding planning process is a breeze for an unforgettable day. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a meeting!


Photographer Credit: Nicole Malmquist Photography

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